Chad Zielinski



Company Description

Founded in 1954, Halliwell is a premier multi-service Engineering, Forensic Architecture, and Construction professional services firm providing comprehensive loss consulting to corporations, insurance companies, law firms and government agencies across the globe. We specialize in forensic engineering, construction management services, building envelope assessments, technical evaluations of energy, petro/chemical, heavy machinery, industrial loss services, manufacturing and industrial equipment, CAT assistance, dispute resolution, and more. We have offices throughout the United States and are expanding globally.

We are a people-first organization of the most sought-after technical experts, capable of seeing beyond existing perils, in determining property damage causation, failure analysis and restoration solutions, who help clients effectively solve the largest and most complex claims. Our staff of qualified engineers, forensic architects, construction experts, GIS/GMS specialists and meteorologists provide a disciplined, collaborative approach to the diagnostic practice of building damage investigations, product and construction liability investigations, failure analysis and repair and/or replacement recommendations, and arbitration/litigation support.