Criteria for Speaking Engagements
Thank you for your interest in wanting to participate as a speaker or presenter at an upcoming LEA meeting. In order for the LEA Education Committee to consider you or your company as a participant at an upcoming LEA event, the Education Committee requires the following information.
- Narrative Outline
- Timed Outline (one or two hours)
- Name, Title and Company of the presenter(s)
- Name, Title, and Company of all individuals who will be part of a panel (LEA requires at least one Insurance Company person on every panel)
- Please identify the main point person for participation discussions going forward
- Preference if any as to presenting at January or June meeting
The program should address current industry events, interesting and unique experiences that challenge the adjustment teams, use of any new technology or similar experiences that audiences would appreciate, and more importantly, that Individual State Insurance Departments will provide CE credits. We strongly discourage the use of the LEA platform for the commercialization / benefit of any firm or company or organization. There cannot be any specific reference or identification in any presentation to a specific insured, vendor, broker, provider or specific claim. Avoid any matter currently in litigation, arbitration or mediation.
Once your information is received, the LEA Education Committee will review the content which if acceptable, will then be presented to the Full Board for acceptance into the program. In the Board’s sole discretion, depending, in part, on your program’s content, other content past or present, location of event, and other criteria, your presentation may or may not be accepted for a particular event.
We hope this information is useful to you and look forward to receiving your information in the interim. If you should have specific issues you would like to discuss, please send your inquiries to and you will be contacted.