2024 Annual Meeting & Education Conference – Florida
2024 Annual Meeting & Educational Conference
January 31, 2024 - February 2, 2024
12:00 pm - 9:00 pm
On behalf of the LEA Board of Directors, it is my pleasure to invite you to the LEA’s Annual Meeting and Educational Conference being held at the Fort Lauderdale Marriott Harbor Beach, Fort Lauderdale, FL, January 31 to February 2, 2024.
* * * NO REFUNDS AFTER JANUARY 22, 2024* * *
The Marriott is sold out.
Hotel in the Area
B Ocean Resort | Courtyard By Marriott | Bahia Mar Fort Lauderdale | Best Western | |||
1140 Seabreeze Blvd | 440 Seabreeze Blvd | 801 Seabreeze Blvd | 1182 Seabreeze Blvd | |||
Fort Lauderdale, FL | Fort Lauderdale, FL | Fort Lauderdale, FL | Fort Lauderdale, FL | |||
954-564-1000 | 954-254-8733 | 954-764-2233 | 954-525-8115 |
Have questions about this event?
Contact Peggy Reilly or Gaby Suliman | 201-569-3346
Event Pricing
Event Details
October 30, 2023
Dear LEA Members and Guests,
On behalf of the LEA Board of Directors, it is my pleasure to invite you to the LEA’s Annual Meeting and Educational Conference being held at the Fort Lauderdale Marriott Harbor Beach, Fort Lauderdale, FL, January 31 to February 2, 2024.
Don’t miss this opportunity to catch up with your fellow members from all over North America, Latin America and Europe and obtain interesting educational content along with Continuing Education credits.
We begin on Wednesday January 31st with our annual Rod Birmingham Memorial Golf Outing at the Jacaranda Golf Club. Later in the evening will be a welcome reception at the Marriott Hotel.
On Thursday morning, for the General Session we’ve adopted a new very interesting format which has been modified to include two sessions., which we think the membership will enjoy. The first is “Buying Insurance & Making Claims, The Risk Managers Perspective” includes Denise Straka of Calpine Corp, Lauren Thibodeaux of Freeport LNG, Jessie Guerrero of Alliant Insurance Services, moderated by Brian St. Jacques of AIG Energy. The second session, “Property Claims – How Are we Doing?” is moderated by Martin Thomas of Brit and joined by Paul Aviles of AWAC, Milica Aksic of Munich Re, Trevor Self of Beazley, Richard Woodhams of Dale UW and Stuart Wright of Ascot.
Thursday afternoon and Friday morning, we are providing a choice of three separate two-hour workshops followed by a choice of three separate one-hour sessions, all of which qualify for Continuing Education credits.
The topics for the two-hour sessions are Comparative Approach to Complex Claims Adjustment in Latin America Jurisdictions; Meanwhile in Canada…. An Oversight to the Challenges of Managing Losses; and Complexities of Cannabis Claims.
The one-hour session topics are: Information Requests for DSU Claims-What is Required, What is Received…What Can We Do?; Subrogating Highly Technical Claims in the Market Share World; and When Property and Pollution Damages Collide: Assessment, Coverage and Claims Resolution.
These presentations will provide a balanced and informative program which we hope you will find entertaining and educational.
We are extremely pleased to return to the Marriott Harbor Beach, one of the LEA members favorite locations. You will find that it is a great value, so take advantage of the LEA hotel rate by booking now. I look forward to seeing everyone again for another successful LEA Conference. Register early as we anticipate keen interest in this January event.
Best Regards,
Ray Mattia
LEA President
CE Credit Requirements: Please remember that CE forms are to be signed only by an authorized LEA CE delegate and/or by the instructor of each session.
No partial credit will be given to anyone who leaves a workshop early.
All forms, including your license number, are to be submitted at the close of the conference. There will be no exceptions for credit if your forms are not submitted and for missing license numbers.
Photography Waiver: By attending the LEA session, you consent that your picture may be in one of the photographs that are taken during the LEA conference. The photos may be published or otherwise used by the LEA, which retains exclusive ownership thereof and this consent is voluntary with no expectation of compensation now or in the future.